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The citizens of Turkmenistan must have their rights and freedoms respected!

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The citizens of Turkmenistan must have their rights and freedoms respected!

Our Causes

Help Turkmenistan’s people inside the country

Help Spread Awareness about Human Rights Violations in Turkmenistan

International organizations, UN, OSCE and foreighn missions will be notified about the ongoing situation in the country and will be called to take action to help the people there

Expanding Access to Online Medical Treatment for Turkmenistan

People in Turkmenistan will have an opportunity to get online medical treatment

Addressing Gender Inequality

Extending Our Reach to Women Affected by Rights Violations and Spearheading Initiatives to Illuminate and Address their Plights

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About us

the people have the right

Our goal is to achieve the observance of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Turkmenistan

Our organization aims to address and restore the violated rights and freedoms of the citizens of Turkmenistan. We actively raise these issues at various international platforms, including international conferences of human rights organizations, the UN, OSCE, and the European Parliament. Our work covers a wide range of subjects related to violations, including gender violations, children's rights violations, violations in the healthcare system, education, social sphere, restrictions on movement, as well as the rights of prisoners and their relatives.

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Turkmen authorities have persistently denied the existence of the virus within the country. Consequently, a significant number of citizens have tragically lost their lives due to the lack of medical care. Our organization has been actively offering online medical assistance to the people of Turkmenistan since May 2020. Presently, we continue to provide medical treatment to the citizens, addressing not only Covid patients but also individuals suffering from various other illnesses. Moreover, we offer medical guidance to children and expectant mothers.

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Our Fundraising Plans

Collaborate with team members to rally support

Our organization is actively working towards raising funds to make a significant impact in our community. We have an array of engaging activities in progress, including exciting fundraising events, collaborations with corporate sponsors, online campaigns, and grant applications. Our aim is to gather the necessary resources to support our initiatives and create a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Through the generosity of our donors and partners, we are able to make a tangible and positive change. Together, we are shaping a better future and contributing to the well-being of our community. Join us in our mission to create lasting impact and make a difference in the lives of individuals and families.

Medical assistance to citizens of Turkmenistan

Restoration of violated women's rights

Fight against the lawlessness of the Berdimuhamedov’s clan

Fight for Prisoners Rights






Projects Completed


People Assisted
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Engage as an Active Participant in Upholding Human Rights in Turkmenistan

By supporting our organization, you play a crucial role in empowering thousands of individuals within Turkmenistan to access a dedicated advocate for their rights. Our core team, having personally experienced the challenges posed by Turkmenistan's authoritarian regime and recently relocated, possesses valuable firsthand insights into the realities faced by its citizens. This unique perspective enables us to effectively identify and implement necessary actions to support and uplift the people of Turkmenistan. Your contribution directly enables us to continue our impactful work on the ground, providing essential aid and advocating for positive change. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of the citizens of Turkmenistan, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

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The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.When someone does something that they know that they shouldn’t do this again in you house.

They really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. Harness the power of social media to spread.

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